This term is going too fast already! We have covered so much in our Movement Studies practice so far and I am going to highlight some of the key areas that have been beneficial for myself.
In our first Experiential Anatomy lesson, we were asked to note our aspirations for our final year and also to reflect upon our previous year. This task really helped me to think about how I personally want to benefit from practical classes as well as targets to aim for.
To continue or better the level of concentration
I was working with last year.
To develop my intellectual knowledge to coincide
with my physical practice.
To find more ideas that I particularly enjoy
working with and exploring.
How can I do this?
Read more publications/ articles that are related
to areas covered during physical practice.
To be prepared for classes so I can fully
What am I bringing from Yr 2?
Connection between the skull, tail, and the
In the same lesson, we were asked to define, ‘What is a Somatic Practice?’ Considering it is what I have been studying for the last two years, I would assume I could explain it. However, when actually asked, it was much harder than I thought! Over the coming weeks, I hoped had hoped to develop my understanding of this area.
We have not studied Feldenkrais before so this was going to be a next experience for us all. I did some basic research into this subject in order for me to understand why we were doing it.
What is Feldenkrais?
It is a somatic educational system designed by
Moshe Feldenkrais.
It aims to reduce pain or limitations in
movement to improve physical function.
It expands movement repertoire.
It works with kinaesthetic and proprioceptive self-awareness.
At the start of Release Based Contemporary, we were asked to think of something we would be working with for the duration of the class. I said that I would be thinking of the connection between the spine, shoulders, arms, hands and to the fingers. I had a very clear image in my head of the wing span of a bird and consequently, I drew this in my journal.
During this Experiential Anatomy class, we spoke about the systems of the body and how they are categories differently depending on who is looking at them. In particular, we focused on the anatomical and BMC categorisations.
We also had to move for a time and then draw which body system we were most aware of whilst moving. I could feel the blood pumping and racing around my body and therefore, I drew the circulatory system.
In SRT, I began with a connection with the bone and the joints, especially in my arms. Over time, this did start to drain through my body into my knees. We were then asked to think about the connection between the base of the skull and heels which married nicely with my already present thoughts about bone.
We moved on and worked in partners. I can’t quite explain how, but I could feel forces opposing… resistant… pushing… repelling… resilient. The energy and effort required was very intense. My partner compared it to magnets which I thought was a great image to explain the sensation.
Overall, I feel I am already meeting some of the aspirations that I set at the start of the term. Having being offered several reading about Somatic Practices, I feel I am now much more able to explain what they are. These readings have also helped with my dissertation research as I am looking into SRT, a Somatic Practice.