Tuesday, 27 November 2012

Day Two- Intensive

We spent the morning looking at our story boards that we had made since our last intensive. The idea was to create a solo that could be used within our final piece. We were almost rearranging them, like finding a more in depth movement strategy that could become permanent.
Broadening our vocabulary.
Altering the movement.
I kept a particular aspect of each box but changed it in a way that created a new way of moving.

For example:
  • Hands on Back- Hands moving other body parts.
  • Negative Flashback- Stillness, pause.
  • Nodding the Head- Initiating movement from the head.
  • Negative Flashback- Running to a new space.
  • Free positive movement.

I originally made my story board so that it could be taken in any order, but now I was structuring it so that it became a set order every time it was danced.

  1. Initiating movement from the head.
  2. Stillness, pause.
  3. Hands moving other body parts.
  4. Running to a new space.
  5. Free positive movement.
I tend not to dwell on things that are improvised because they become too set, this is why I think I was the first to finish. I wanted my material to remain fresh and not become rehearsed. I also have prior experience in choreographing for myself and I have learnt how I work most efficiently.

Marina watched my solo as I was one in the first to finish in the company. She particularly liked the hands moving other body parts section. She asked Tara to film me doing this section with the intention of using it as a projection on the wall to accompany our final performance. She encouraged me to try and move as fast as I could!!!!

Videos to follow...

We also did some filming of the skin as Marina was interested in this. She liked the idea of the light on the skin and the reflection. She also liked the idea of not being able to tell where it was on the body. Moving in and out of focus. Slow motion. We then discussed the possibilities of having projections of both me 'scrambling' and the skin at different intervals throughout the piece.

This is a basic idea of the projections we have planned for the piece:

After lunch, we had a one to one meeting with Marina to show her the progression of our solos and to discuss how to work on it. I didn't have much feedback regarding things that needed to be changed. Tara and myself had both finished our solos and therefore she asked us to do a task together.

Our task:
  • To frame/ compliment each others solo.
  • Do not copy or contrast.
  • Small in the background.
  • Nothing too distracting away from the main solo.

To do list:
  • Film the skin.
  • Film me scrambling outside. Wear red!!!
  • Have solo completed.
  • Complete the complimenting task.

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