Tuesday, 11 March 2014

3rd February - 28th February

This month feels like it has been a quiet one because it's shorter and we had reading week too. Anyway...

3.02.14 - Release Based Contemporary

During the first term, I was advised to explore folding in the hips, knees and ankles more, so I decided to do so in this lesson. I worked with the idea of folding and unfolding as a way to warm up for class. I found this new exploration intriguing but also tiring. To begin with, this new concept filled me with high energy, but I soon found myself fatigued. I began working with my eyes open but changed to eyes closed when I began to work on the floor with smaller, concentrated movements. When moving on the the next task in small groups, I felt as though I wanted to continue with my current practice. My findings in my movement made me want to further this enquiry.

I feel this is still an area of my practice that needs understanding and further exploration.

14.02.14 - Experiential Anatomy

In the warm up, I was particularly interested in the skin, touch and temperature. This isn't something I usually work with and I'm still not quite sure how this topic came up for me when I was moving?? I think I was interested in the temperature between my body and the floor surface I was working with. Maybe I should investigate this further in my self study practice?

24.02.14 - Release Based Contemporary

In this lesson, we worked with a method we have used before in Yr 2. The idea is to move for a certain period of time and then write for a certain period of time, this is then repeated serveral times. Instantly, I very focused in my moving and was exploring a new idea that I hadn't before. In my writing time, I used the free writing technique to express my thoughts and opinions of my work. I used words such as, curling, expanding, active, continuous, spiralling, open, unravelling, reaching, tangled, tipping, challenge... to name but a few. At the time, each of these words really explained what I was doing but now, they don't have much of a resembelance.

When doing this task previously, I found myself jumping from different focuses and stimuli whereas now, I found it much more effective to focus on one area and continue to develop this throughout the overall process. I also found the writing section easier each time that we did it.

I think this method really works well for me because I have time to both move and reflect. Sometimes I find moving for long periods of time quite tiring and I forget what cocepts I have been thinking of in my moving. This method allows time for both respectively.

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