Sunday, 26 February 2012

Our really fun lesson! :)

Our lesson today was inspired by the 2nd and 3rd year performance in the Old Lanchester Gallery, Collect, Categorise, Recycle.

We had to collect 3 items from around the room and get into a group of 3. We had to create sculptures with the items by taking it in turns to move one at a time. We had the chance to observe everyone elses sculptures as well.

We moved around the room rearranging other sculptures too. Then, we had to create a group sculpture as a whole group. This is when people became more creative with the way and where they placed objects. We had the cd player playing a cd, sticky tapestuck half the length of the studio.

After we had caused chaos doing this, we put ourselves into the sculpture. People tucked under blankets, under chairs, sitting on chairs, under books...

We then had to pick an item to explore individually. I picked a flask to move with. I rolled it around the floor and experimented with the inside space.

After this we had to tidy it all away!!!! :(

Even though we had used completely random items you could still see it being something artistic. We created a still image/ sculpture by comstantly moving.

Here are my words to describe what I thought of the lesson.

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